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Welcome to our new website
Tony Payne15 Sep 2016Welcome to our new-look CCL website. We hope you find it better organized, better looking, and easier to explore. The nav bar across the top shows the kind of resources...
The ethics of cake
Tony Payne20 May 2016A couple of weeks ago I posted a little parable called “#cakeforeveryone”, with a promise to write something more prosaic in due course. Perhaps the best way to do so,...
Why Saturday's election is like all the others, and yet...
Tony Payne27 Apr 2016Voting in elections, like pretty much everything we do, is an exercise in glorifying God by loving our neighbour. Or as Paul puts it: “So, whether you eat or drink,...
The truth that must be spoken but never is
Tony Payne09 Apr 2016Only the one truth that makes Christianity what it is rather than something else.Without this truth, it might be possible to view Christianity as an uptight morality movement, or a...
What is "ethics" exactly?
Tony Payne09 Apr 2016One common view is that ‘ethics’ covers all the stuff that isn’t in the Bible. There are things that the Bible clearly tells us to do (like "do not steal"),...
From the Archives: God, sex and marriage: what's it all...
Emma Newling21 Mar 2016His biblical understanding and wisdom, combined with his clarity and winsome manner, ensure that this talk continues to be relevant and informative four years on. Ash provides us with an...